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Five February Goals

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well and having a good start to the new year. Personally, even though 2021 hasn’t been here long, she is most certainly showing off already (like girl, relax pls). We can all agree that time is an illusion of some sort right now, so setting goals can be kind of hard to do.

My plan for this year is simply to take it day by day, month by month. Not to sound cliche, but even in the midst of these uncertain times, we have to find some good to look forward to. By making these monthly posts, I hope that it allows you to set some goals of your own. If not, it’s okay; maintaining a healthy mental state is hard work enough.

I have to admit that January wasn’t too bad for me, but I do see some areas I need to tighten up in. I’m setting goals for this month that are realistically obtainable and reflect those such areas. So without any further ado, here are my goals for this month.

001. Create healthier eating habits. Okay, so this a kind of a hard one. Like I am not the worst eater, but I am the pickiest one. Sadly, I am addicted to pasta and could eat it every day, but I won’t (promise). This is why I need to find healthier options that will satisfy me same. This is actually a huge goal in general for me. If I create the habit now, it’ll allow me to gradually get accustomed to eating better and being a part of my daily routine.

002. Step up my content game. Listen, January, I shocked myself by starting to blog more and creating content, but I know I can do a lot more. I have so many topics and things I want to discuss on this blog and the ‘Sincerely a Black Grl’ account. No excuses; I need to just apply the time and simply create. I truly love this blog/other projects and want to see them flourish, but I know I have to water it and  I will do just that. 

003.  Participate in a ‘No Spend’ challenge. Let’s keep in mind that I am a good saver at this point in my life. It took a long time to get here, but we are here. Most recently, though, I have been spending unnecessary money on things, and I am not too proud of it. Like yes, I deserve nice things, but I do need to be saving more. My plan for this month is to spend money on bills, groceries, etc., and nothing else. Wish me luck.

004. Finish what I start. That includes posts, branding material, books, etc. I often get distracted or have a bright idea to start something new and forget about other things I have going on… blah blah, I can’t help it. I am a Capricorn with a Virgo rising. I want to change that this month though, and actually start finishing things. I will not be starting any new without finishing other tasks at hand.

005. Start waking up earlier.I fully understand the saying “There aren’t enough hours in the day” now that I am an adult. As soon as I blink, it’s already 8pm, and I still haven’t finished all of my day’s tasks. The only annoying but mature solution would be to wake up earlier and fully utilize the whole day. As the Roman would say, “Carpe Diem.” I hope that I can grow accustomed to being a morning person.

And that ladies and gentlemen wraps up my February goals, will they be met? Only one way to find out. Tune in on my end of the month recap on next month’s goal post. I hope all of the goals you set for this month are met, but most of all, you have a great and healthy February. ❤️

What are your goals for this month? Let me know in the comments below. 

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